3-2-1 Comets of Web3 says ''Join the Ethereum Summer School​ at Cluj"

3-2-1 Comets of Web3 says ' Join the Ethereum Summer School at Cluj''

June 3rd, 2024

Happy Wednesday, Comets!

Summer’s here, bursting with energy, excitement. We are doing an Ethereum Summer School at Cluj!

3 News From Us


Comets of Web3 is hosting an Ethereum Summer School @ Cluj with 20 exclusive spots for blockchain enthusiasts!

Dive into a 2-week program of hands-on workshops, lessons, and networking in the vibrant tech city of Cluj-Napoca. Partners include ETH Cluj, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and Civic.

🔗 Registrations are now open!


The First Romanian Solana Blockchain Developer Program started last week! 🇷🇴

Every week we are posting on YouTube the progress of the course. You can follow our progress on our YouTube channel and if you are interested stay in tune for news about the next cohort of the program📺👇

🔗 Our YouTube Channel


Good news! Comets of Web3 team is participating at the upcoming Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) event in Brussels next week.

EthCC is the largest annual European Ethereum event focused on technology and community, gathering leaders and innovators to discuss the latest advancements and future trends in blockchain technology.

2 Builders Like You


Catalin Balut, Solidity Architect and Web3 advocate, known for co-founding EthCluj and leading projects like Liquify and BubbleBreaker, will be one of the trainers at Ethereum Summer School, showcasing his expertise in blockchain development and innovation.


Prof. Serban Meza, PhD, from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, is also one of the main contributors behind our Ethereum Summer School at Cluj!. He is a passionate advocate of web3, integrating blockchain into education, leading practical lab sessions and bringing industry experts to present its potential to the Cluj tech students. Thank you, Serban, for your very valuable work!

1 Idea From Others

Corrales Caachola's thoughts on growing your Web3 community:

"You shouldn’t be persuading your audience to buy from you. Or convincing them about the benefits of joining your community. Or web3. Or asking them to follow you. Or to “please consider sharing this content with your audience.”

These tactics reek of desperation and will attract low-end buyers and low-end decision makers to you.

“But I see a lot of people doing it, even big creators!”

Exactly. That’s called cookie cutter.

If you want to attract high-end, act like it by presenting the value and letting your ideal audience members decide. Higher-end buyers and decision makers are looking for people who already know the solution to their problems. They don’t need to be persuaded. They need you to be inside their head at that very moment, and every moment afterward.

They need you to already have what they’ve been looking for.

To be that missing puzzle piece for them.

And when they see it…🧩"

Source: Corrales Chacola

Until next time,

Comets of Web3
Blockchain Builders Community​

p.s. Web3 projects in a nutshell

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Comets of Web3

Comets of Web 3 builds a 10,000-strong blockchain builders community, offering education, connections, and industry growth opportunities, with a vision to become Eastern Europe's blockchain strongest voice

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